Who should apply?
Application for membership shall be instituted only by an active member of the Council, who shall serve as the applicant’s sponsor. The sponsor shall submit a short paragraph outlining reasons why he/she believes the applicant will be a meaningful contributing member of HMC. Such application shall be in writing, on an approved form that is included here, and shall be endorsed by at least two (2) additional active members, one who shall be a board member of the Council, for presentation to the Board of Directors.
Applications shall be submitted by the Managing Director to the Board of Directors via electronic mail. The members of the board shall indicate their acceptance of the application via return electronic mail to the Managing Director within two weeks following receipt of the application. Unanimous approval of the board is required. Applications that have been approved by the Board of Directors will be presented to the active membership via electronic mail at least 60 days prior to the next general meeting. Members will be asked to vote on each applicant via return electronic mail. Voting on the member applicants will take place within two weeks following receipt of the application. A favorable vote of 2/3 of the active members is required for acceptance to membership.